Ayush Aman

Ayush Aman


tenancy score


Details of tenant that are verified:
hometown Address: Bihar
Email: ayushmansingh097@gmail.com
Phone number: (878) 946-9750

Tenant details

Ayush Aman is a final year B.Tech student from Bihar who is planning to attend technical classes in Hyderabad. He is a first-time tenant looking for a clean and spacious room with a separate toilet and window for proper ventilation. He is also particular about the quality of food and is a non-vegetarian. Ayush is a single and a bachelor, and his budget for rent is around 5000. He is open to staying as a paying guest or in a PG accommodation. Any owner would be glad to have him as a tenant due to his responsible behavior and studious nature.

Regularity in rent payment
Bill payments
Maintenance of rooms
Cleanliness of house
Kitchen maintenance
Society behaviour

References about the tenant

Would like to call him a buddy rather than a tenant .Good person and exceptional tenant

Excellent tenant maintained the house very well.would love to have him again as tenant 

No troubles having as a tenant.was good 

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